Boosting wellness with breathwork and massage

Last week we celebrated #AromatherapyAwarenessWeek with local therapist Nina Lipman. Thankfully, increasing scientific research has evidenced and substantiated Aromatherapy’s health benefits.

Now regarded more than ever broadly in medical circles as a key therapeutic intervention in healthcare, pity it took a pandemic to do that!

Three years ago, the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Integrated Healthcare (PGIH) issued a report urging the government to embrace complementary, traditional and natural medicine to ease the mounting burden being placed on the NHS.

Never before has the benefits of incorporating complementary and traditional approaches, to achieve optimum health and wellbeing, seemed so important.

Nina’s Natural Clinic Aromatherapy and Reflexology Highly recommend! A great mood booster especially when combined with Buteyko breathing 😌

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Why Does Daddy Breathe Funny?

This A-to-Z book includes a glossary of new words for children and short notes about better breathing for parents. Slow down, relax and read this book with your children to find out how you can all breathe better and improve your health.