Could changing the way you breathe really improve your health?
Whenever I’ve given talks in the past about changing the way we breathe, inhale and exhale, and explain the dramatic positive effects on well-being, people immediately become very curious! I’m not surprised because so many people regard learning to breathe a bit like erm, learning to grow your nails. Bad breathers develop their habits during […]
Could changing the way you breathe really improve your health?

Whenever I’ve given talks in the past about changing the way we breathe, inhale and exhale, and explain the dramatic positive effects on well-being, people immediately become very curious! I’m not surprised because so many people regard learning to breathe a bit like erm, learning to grow your nails. Bad breathers develop their habits during […]
Sleep apnea is a medically recognised phenomenon but have you heard about text and email apnea?

The focus on breathing better for health has slowly gathered pace over the last 10 years thanks to the likes of yoga, mindfulness and meditation practices. Some people I’ve worked with refer to what I do in re-training people’s breathing using Buteyko (Boo-tay-ko) techniques as ‘the new yoga’. Regardless, the process of raising awareness of […]