Enhance Performance with Sniff Sigh Yawn...

We know from feedback working with business, community organisations and within education that there is now more demand for advice in helping people enhance their performance and productivity. 

We work with individuals, often people in leadership and management positions in need of support, typically to help grow their resilience at work or combat stress and burnout.

We also provide solutions to many people’s everyday problems at work, i.e. poor sleep, poor concentration, lack of vitality, and inefficient productivity.

We work in education helping head teachers, teachers, lecturers and students to achieve more through our performance programmes.

We have featured on BBC5 Live Breakfast and a host of other national and regional print, online and broadcast titles in the last 12 months talking about the very subject – albeit from a unique angle, breathwork and it’s powerful positive impact on clients.

Our knowledge as you can see from our team in the latter pages on this site spans some of the most innovative ways in 2024 to help businesses, community organisations and those in education.

In particular, we work alongside Alison Blackler, who helps leaders achieve breakthroughs by explaining how the brain works in work. This leads to happier teams, improved communication, and ultimately, a thriving business.

By unlocking the mysteries of how our brain functions, we can change the outcomes. Alison delivers leadership programmes with a difference alongside us.

"Sniff Sigh Yawn used unique methods to help us improve our performance." Pulse Agency

Our goal is to help companies and their people maintain and improve their  performance and productivity levels. We do this using niche methods that are right at the forefront of enhancing individual and team performance.


A word from Sniff Sigh Yawn founder, Joel Jelen.

I met this genius of a doctor more than 25 years ago called Dr Len McEwan who got paid to teach people how to re-train their breathing and I was fascinated!

Dr. McEwan was an expert in ‘hidden Hyperventilation’ and I could relate to some of his work based on the fast pace required to operate in media…an industry i’ve operated in for three decades.

As i learned more, i realised that my sinus problems, food intolerances and eczema as a kid were highly likely the result of being a mouth breather.

I latterly became inspired to study the Buteyko method of breathing re-training in 2010 as set out for me by Patrick McKeown who was a student of Dr Konstantin Butyeko.

Buteyko, himself a chronic asthma sufferer with very high blood pressure, went on to manage then alleviate his conditions by first understanding then applying the value of learning to breathe less.

Yes, the less breaths and the lower the breathing volume you take every minute can have a dramatic positive influence on your productivity and performance.

In terms of my outlook, I have always been an admirer of people in sport, business and life who could operate in an energetic manner yet remain calm.

That’s exactly what investing in Sniff Sigh Yawn’s  programmes offers businesses, community organisations and those in education – staff and students alike.

How Many of Us Truly Realise What Affects Our Focus, Concentration & Productivity?

One of the most important parts of the process in becoming more productive is gaining awareness of your current state. It is very common for people to be unaware of e.g. how they breathe. For example, and with regards to performance, many of us have bad hidden habits at work or in education, using technology. This can heavily impact our sleep and prior, our ability to relax. 

Also, if you end your day by sleeping using mouth breathing, you automatically create stress in your system and fight or flight. Think about how that can affect your work performance initially, by arriving at work, already stressed, then the impact over a prolonged period of time.

Book a discovery call...

Book a free 20-minute telephone or online consultation with Joel Jelen and gain a brief insight into questions you have around improving productivity at work or in an education setting including our sleep performance programmes.


Why Does Daddy Breathe Funny?

This A-to-Z book includes a glossary of new words for children and short notes about better breathing for parents. Slow down, relax and read this book with your children to find out how you can all breathe better and improve your health.