Sniff Sigh Yawn had a great catch up with Henry Churney to hear about Care Merseyside‘s latest ‘Laugh For Life’ Comedy gig.

The second showcase on October 30th will be full of brand new comedians on stage for the first time following a stand-up comedy course for mental wellbeing thanks to NHS social prescribing.

The basis of the course is to help those whose mental health has suffered and who want an alternative to manage their experience.

I remember meeting Sue, one of the previous participants who has coped brilliantly through the power of comedy to help manage her anxiety following the tragic suicide of her son.

Sue was part of the first show this summer that got rave reviews…I was there and it was serious belly laughs!

The link for tickets to the gig is here: https://www.hotwatercomedy.co.uk/test-event-details-reserved/?id=247801agqspmbdcskqglcvrnkmthkjjgl&fbclid=IwY2xjawFBnJJleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHVgk6U76i8tQwWl_m42QhpHBzjrZjNC3EC1VjNrToW_lcKiI-jbcm6gdVQ_aem_qyLiPkY9u-V7zShVECBFYw

How long before the NHS socially prescribes breathing re-education?

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